martedì 3 luglio 2012

The Intruder (L'odio esplode a Dallas) - Roger Corman

un film eccezionale, straordinaria preveggenza quando a un certo punto Adam Cramer arringa i razzisti dicendo che un giorno i negri avrebbero preso il potere.
non cade un attimo la tensione, la sceneggiatura è perfetta, gli attori e i personaggi giusti, (sembra) è un dramma epico, un piccolo capolavoro da recuperare - Ismaele
PS: ignoro cosa c'entri Dallas, nel titolo italiano

… Film visionario, al contempo lucido e allucinato, The Intruder è ancora oggi, a ben cinquant’anni dal suo difficile esordio nei cinema americani, un ritratto spietato e verosimile di ciò che fu l’integrazione negli Stati del sud. Non solo, Corman ci regala una spietato ritratto sui generis dei demagoghi che a intervalli regolari sbucano dagli angoli meno nobili dell’umanità, sfruttando i momenti storici difficili, le paure irrazionali (il diverso, lo straniero) per distorcere valori quali l’amore per il territorio e per le tradizioni ancestrali.
Interessante anche l’ampio parco offerto dai personaggi corollari, dai razzisti “redenti” dalla dura realtà dei fatti, ai redneck pieni di pregiudizi, spesso rappresentati con sfumature lombrosiane. Particolare, questo, che causò parecchi problemi di distribuzione del film. Gli abitanti del Texas erano infuriati per come Corman li aveva ritratti in The Intruder. Al regista arrivarono intimidazioni, minacce. Molte riprese furono eseguite clandestinamente  e perfino sulla produzione furono fatte pressioni affinché vendesse poche copie del film…


...Mención aparte merece el personaje encarnado por Leo Gordon, un vendedor transumante que desde una primer mirada reconoce el tipo de calaña del protagonista. Una película inusual, no solo para la filmografía de Corman (fue su única película 'con mensaje' y su único fracaso en taquilla), sino para la del cine antirracial, ya que no plantea ningún mensaje a favor de los negros sino que trata de mostrar que el Sur no pierde por el accionar del Norte, ni tampoco por la intromisión del Negro, sino por el propio primitivismo del Sur. En su momento la crítica dijo del director de la película que "tuvo claros sus objetivos y dio a toda la historia un tono documental de crónica periodística, saltando de las situaciones a los personajes, con un diálogo preciso e intencionado," y dando la clave del fracaso comercial diciendo que la película solo podrá atraer a "aquellos que buscan buen cine en general" (Heraldo, Febr. 1964).

da qui


Eccellente pellicola diretta da Roger Corman e unico grande flop commerciale della sua lunghissima carriera di regista prima e produttore poi. Film dichiaratamente politico e forse per questo poco amato dal pubblico ai tempi della sua uscita, fu girato in maniera quasi clandestina dalla troupe obbligata a continui spostamenti per il clima poco amichevole che si respirava nel profondo Sud statunitense. Realizzato ben ventisei anni prima di Mississippi Burning si può definire come il precursore della famosa pellicola di Parker. Un'autentica chicca.
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A forgotten and completely unexpected minor masterpiece of social realism from the king of teenage exploitation, Roger Corman, who, after almost a decade of directing exploitation and trash decided to make a message film. Taking place in the Deep South, but actually filmed Missouri (which nitpickers refer to as the Mid-South), and starring an at that time young, unknown William Shatner, this Corman film is a far cry from the commercially successful exploitation films he had made up until that point, even if the film’s budget of $100,000.00 placed the film squarely into Corman’s realm of low budget filmmaking.Written by Charles Beaumont, who was not only a regularTwilight Zone contributor and script writer of a variety of Corman’s Poe films, but also played the school’s principal in the film, the story itself had originally been inspired by a 1957 article in Look magazine narrating the actions of one John Casper, who had tried to subvert the integration of schools in Clinton, Tennessee. An angry, unsettling film that leaves a nasty, embarrassed aftertaste in one’s mouth, The Intruder ended up being one of Corman’s first box office failures, despite having both won an award at the Venice Film Festival and receiving positive critical attention…
…All said, The Intruder is a brutal, sickening and powerful film that deserves rediscovery. Watch it, now.
da qui

Straordinario film di Corman che affronta di petto una questione sociale molto delicata, quella dell'integrazione razziale. I pochi mezzi a disposizione non impediscono a Corman di dirigere un film tesissimo che corre sul filo del rasoio, grazie anche ad uno script di ottima fattura di Charles Beaumont (un habituè della Twilight Zone televisiva). Bravissimo Shatner in un personaggio che si insinua come un serpente nella comunità dirigendo gli umori della folla, ma incapace tuttavia di controllarla. Un Corman atipico rispetto altri suoi film, molto più politico e lontano anni luce da Poe e altri horror a basso costo. Un film assolutamente da recuperare.

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My first reaction was that it was not funny. Rather, it was intense and too serious. My second reaction was that this movie was just darn good. Shatner gives a very scary performance (this was pre-"Star Trek"). Corman's direction is gritty and uncompromising. Shatner comes to a small town whose high school has just been integrated by law. He stirs up the townspeople with speeches of hatred and bigotry. Twenty-five years later, the similar Mississippi Burning came out and was timid in comparison…
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Racism is abuse of power. This film crew had little power to abuse, shooting on a mere $80,000 (the director re-mortgaging his home to finance it). But it is powerful stuff. The photography is crisp in black and white, beautifully edited, and the film never for one second looks dated. There's superlative scripting, Shatner is riveting, and pitch-perfect grappling with moral issues makes this one of the best films of the period, as well as one of the best ever made on race relations.
The big downside is this. You may be put off by the names associated with it. Director, Roger Corman: in spite of many good works for people in the industry, he's mostly known for trashy horror (which enjoys a considerable cult following). Likewise, leading man William Shatner, none other than Captain Kirk of TV Star Trek. Don’t let any prejudice put you off, or you will indeed miss out. The film is in a different category – and class - to anything else either of these gentlemen have ever done.
For most civilised countries, things have moved on since the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler’s segregation of Jewish people, or the segregation of black people in South Africa/North America. But the film is a salient warning not simply to adopt more sophisticated methods. “Remember,” says the rabble-rouser after whipping the mob to a murderous fury, “no violence.” That, sadly, is perhaps not as old-fashioned as it should be.
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A forgotten and completely unexpected minor masterpiece of social realism from the king of teenage exploitation, Roger Corman, who, after almost a decade of directing exploitation and trash decided to make a message film. Taking place in the Deep South, but actually filmed Missouri (which nitpickers refer to as the Mid-South), and starring an at that time young, unknown William Shatner, this Corman film is a far cry from the commercially successful exploitation films he had made up until that point, even if the film’s budget of $100,000.00 placed the film squarely into Corman’s realm of low budget filmmaking.Written by Charles Beaumont, who was not only a regularTwilight Zone contributor and script writer of a variety of Corman’s Poe films, but also played the school’s principal in the film, the story itself had originally been inspired by a 1957 article in Look magazine narrating the actions of one John Casper, who had tried to subvert the integration of schools in Clinton, Tennessee. An angry, unsettling film that leaves a nasty, embarrassed aftertaste in one’s mouth, The Intruder ended up being one of Corman’s first box office failures, despite having both won an award at the Venice Film Festival and receiving positive critical attention…
…All said, The Intruder is a brutal, sickening and powerful film that deserves rediscovery. Watch it, now.
da qui

Eccellente pellicola diretta da Roger Corman e unico grande flop commerciale della sua lunghissima carriera di regista prima e produttore poi. Film dichiaratamente politico e forse per questo poco amato dal pubblico ai tempi della sua uscita, fu girato in maniera quasi clandestina dalla troupe obbligata a continui spostamenti per il clima poco amichevole che si respirava nel profondo Sud statunitense. Realizzato ben ventisei anni prima di Mississippi Burning si può definire come il precursore della famosa pellicola di Parker. Un'autentica chicca.
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