mercoledì 1 agosto 2012

Varhaník u sv. Víta (The Organist at St. Vitus' Cathedral) - Martin Fric

un film del 1929, ambientato a Praga, per la gran parte nel Castello e nel Vicolo d'oro.
ci sono tutti gli elementi per un gran film, un drammone, e Martin Fric è davvero bravo a tirar fuori un film indimenticabile.
bellissime, e al loro posto, le musiche di Dvorak.
lo evitino quelli che si spaventano a priori per il bianco e nero e per il cinema muto, ma non sanno cosa perdono - Ismaele

An old organist involuntarily becomes a witness to a suicide of an unknown man. Before he dies he gives a packet with money in it for his daughter who is living in a convent. The organist does not report this case to the authorities but, instead, hides the body in the cellar. He does not know, however, that his actions are being observed by his spineless neighbour, a shoe-polisher who later blackmails him threatening to tell the authorities that he had committed a murder. The organist is gripped by a strong paternal feeling for the girl. She has fallen in love with a young artist and flees the convent. The organist considers this ingratitude and betrayal. He becomes paralysed in his grief and can no longer carry out his duties. In the end the girl realises her mistake; she returns to the organist and he recovers from his illness.

En los años sesenta, Fric se preparaba para realizar su gran proyecto. "Deseo que la película sobre la aldea de Lidice, arrasada por los nazis, sea mi pequeño monumento. Quiero rodarla así como realmente sucedió, y no la versión oficialista", declaró en aquel entonces el artista.
Este gran tema, lamentablemente no logró realizarlo. En la noche del 21 de agosto de 1968, cuando las tropas del antiguo Tratado de Varsovia invadieron el territorio checoslovaco, Fric se refugió en la botella de su coñac predilecto. Al día siguiente cuando le encontraron fue demasiado tarde. Cinco días después el gran cineasta checo falleció en uno de los hospitales de Praga. Su entierro se convirtió en una de las manifestaciones contra la ocupación.

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