sabato 25 agosto 2012

Oscar et la dame rose - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

la storia di Oscar e Rose, con Max von Sidow, direttore della clinica (come anche in “Shutter Island”).
mi ha ricordato "Camino", di  Javier Fesser, solo che "Oscar et la dame rose" è meno "cattivo", più fiabesco.
tenere a portata di mano i fazzoletti.
Oscar vi resterà dentro, sicuro - Ismaele

I was fortunate enough to ask Schmitt about both Von Sydow and Legrand. Schmitt said Legrand has been a friend of his and a fan of the book for years (OSCAR was a play, then a novel, now a film) so it was he who told Schmitt he wanted to score the movie. The music is wonderful and has an important place in the picture (75 minutes were recorded and used). Its "fairy tale" quality at times evokes the scores for the films of Jacques Demy. As to the film, it's competently helm-ed, although no masterpiece. You cannot help but be moved to tears by the story (tackling the touchy subject of the illness and death of a child) and the performance of young actor Amir. Michèle Laroque was an obvious choice for the role, hers is a character of many flaws every spectator can relate to, and the role allows her to switch from comedy (mostly) to drama (a bit). Max Von Sydow is wonderful as he always is, although at 80 maybe a bit old to play a working doctor in a children's hospital... (He seems to also play a doctor in Scorsese's forthcoming SHUTTER ISLAND, and in truth has played other doctors throughout his career, like in AWAKENING for example). Von Sydow speaks his part in French (he has both French and Swedish nationalities), and Schmitt said he also wanted to be part of the project because he had read and liked his books. His role as Dr. Dusseldorf is quite important, not merely in the background, which was a pleasant surprise: his dignified, tall, authoritative presence is always a plus…

Fidèle à son roman, le cinéaste retranscrit admirablement à l’écran l’essence même de son histoire : l’analyse singulière du comportement humain face à la mort. La répartie de Madame Rose, naturelle et provocante, exprime les mots que tout un chacun aimerait trouver face à l’inévitable. Elle symbolise pour le malade la considération qu’il est encore bel et bien vivant. Les dialogues, magnifiquement écrits, sont aussi troublants qu’efficaces. Un cynisme salvateur qui permet à Oscar de vivre les derniers jours de sa vie comme si il s’agissait d’une vie entière…

Oscar et La Dame Rose is a touching film: beautiful, sad while full of wisdom.  It’s unlikely that you will finish watching it without tears in your eyes. While some may prefer to skip this film, claiming that movies are supposed to only entertain and they don’t need more sorrow in their lives –yet even to them I would not hesitate to recommend the story of the Oscar. It is one you won’t forget long after the final credits roll…

"Filme de profundas raíces religiosas, sabe el cineasta eludir los momentos más duros de la historia, aunque la mayor parte de los espectadores no soltará el klinex hasta que acabe la cinta" (Carmen L. Lobo: Diario La Razón)
"Película calificable como imprescindible, porque puede proporcionar una aventura interior que nos induzca a replantearnos muchos lugares comunes" (Lluís Bonet Mojica: Diario La Vanguardia)
"El film podría haber sido más efectivo, más humano y realista, si no se dejara llevar por una iluminada manera de resolver esta nana terminal, pero esperanzadora. Si hubiese incidido más en la rabia (...) habría estado mejor" (Fausto Fernández: Fotogramas)
"Filme de catequesis light, de una religiosidad que se contenta con que no confundamos a Dios con Papá Noel (...) la extraña lucha de opuestos que amalgama no alcanza la potencia de 'Camino' (...) Puntuación: **1/2 (sobre 5)" (Carlos Marañón: Cinemanía

4 commenti:

  1. Oooooh, ma allora in questi giorni me lo guardo!!!

    Grazie mille *_*

    1. mi dirai se è fedele al libro o se ne discosta, anche se essendo scrittore e regista lo stesso...

  2. Camino per me è un capolavoro, mi inciti alla ricerca...


    1. "Camino" è un'altra cosa, dopo averlo visto sono rimasto senza parole, potentissimo (ecco perché non è passato nei cinema, da noi).
      "Oscar et la dame rose" è un'altra cosa, ma merita, per altri motivi.
