mercoledì 21 giugno 2023

Western - Manuel Poirer

un road movie girato in Bretagna (protagonista anche lei), dove Paco si fa rubare la macchina da Nino, e poi i due diventano amici, riuscendo anche a sostenersi a vicenda, nelle loro avventure di (timidi) tombeurs de femmes, con Marinette e Nathalie.

non è un capolavoro, ma riesce a strappare simpatia, solidarietà e sorrisi.

buona (bretone) visione - Ismaele



Western está en las antípodas de la ley no escrita que rige al Mainstream –conflictos fuertes, ritmos histéricos, resolución previsible– a tal punto que su nombre, que remite a uno de los más asentados géneros del cine norteamericano, puede tomarse como una ironía del director Manuel Poirier. Aunque, si bien se mira, podrá verse a un par de fantasmas del lejano Oeste sobrevolando a este film: Western es una historia de fronteras, en la que el futuro no está asegurado para nadie. Esto les cabe a Paco (Sergi López), vendedor de zapatos español, y a Nino (Sacha Bourdo), inmigrante ruso, virtuales forasteros en tierra bretona (campiña del West francés) llamados a cruzar sus destinos, hacerse amigos e iniciar un largo viaje hacia ninguna parte…

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…As this odd couple for the 1990s (men behaving Frenchly?) travel the backroads of Brittany, it becomes apparent that Paco's uncanny success with women is matched only by Nino's ability to self-destruct during even the most casual human contact. But, as Paco learns from the wily Nino, you can always learn something new. Western is the kind of movie where adversity is dwarfed by cheerfulness, as well as a kind of cosmic decree that all adventures turn out for the best. And no matter how selfish or criminal their characters act, Lopez and Bourdo imbue their characters with warmth and an increasingly tattered but intact dignity. With a heart as big as its widescreen photography, Western seems destined for American art house success; all it needs now is a distributor with Nino's wiles and Paco's luck.

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