sabato 29 giugno 2013

Last Embrace (Il segno degli Hannan) - Jonathan Demme

sembra un compitino citazionista, in realtà Jonathan Demme era un 35enne che cercava la sua strada e ne tira fuori un film con colpi di scena alla Hitchcock.
un film che non resterà nella storia del cinema, ma ci sono diverse cose belle che meritano - Ismaele

…Jonathan Demme thriller is a “shaky contribution” to the ever-growing list of “suspense films in the Hitchcock mold.” With that said, The Last Embrace is interesting and enjoyable on its own merits: it possesses a unique premise, some rather intriguing plot devices, a “Herrmann-esque” score by Miklos Rosza, and unusual characters — particularly Janet Margolin as Ellie, a “smart but neurotic college student” whose sweet nature belies any number of possible alter egos.
da qui

 …With nice performances by Scheider and Margolin, Last Embrace proves to be a classy but derivative thriller that piques the interest with an interesting mystery, but ultimately falls a bit short of the heights of the movies that inspired its style.  Margolin shines in particular, with a mix of sweetness and sexiness that has you wondering all along if she might have her hands dirty with all of the hullabaloo, and yet, we also seek a happy ending for her because of what she has meant for Scheider…

da qui


Demme proves his ability as a solid director of well-paced thrillers. On par with some of the lesser works from Chabrol and Hitchcock,Last Embrace has some great scenes of tension and suspense that will keep you paying close attention and trying to figure out ‘whodunnit.’ The problem is, if you pay close attention, it’s not too hard to figure that out. It’s still a fun ride getting there though, and the movie is quite entertaining throughout.
The biggest flaw in the film comes from the way that the love affair between Hannon and Ellie is handled. There are scenes in the film that, to any normal person, would be telltale signs of a very, very bad relationship. That being said, who among us hasn’t done something extremely stupid in ‘the name of love’ at one point in our lives, so maybe it’s justified here, despite feeling a little bit contrived at times…
da qui

2 commenti:

  1. il film parte bene, anzi, benissimo. il movimento della mdp nella prima sequenza, dal suonatore di violino al tavolo fa ben sperare. poi da Princeton in poi crolla tutto
    buon blog

    1. si può dire senza essere smentiti che Jonathan Demme ha fatto tanti film migliori :)
