martedì 3 gennaio 2023

Djomeh - Hassan Yektapanah

Djomeh è uno dei milioni di afgani "emigrati" dall'Afghanistan, sta in Iran, fa il servo di un servo, anche lui afgano, che allea gli animali di un iraniano.

è un ragazzo buono, con una vita complicata alle spalle, vorrebbe una vita normale, sposarsi, anche solo per parlare con qualcuno.

ma è afgano, straniero, gentile.

un piccolo gran bel film, da cercare e vedere.

buona visione - Ismaele

ps: qui un altro bel film su un povero afgano in Iran

Djomeh is a young Afghan working on a small dairy farm in the remote Iranian countryside. With his heart set on a local young woman, Djomeh turns to his employer Mahmoud to act as a chaperone in his pursuit of marriage. A bold gesture that crosses all cultural boundaries and forces the two men to tenderly reflect on the difficulties of solitude and the universal need to be loved.

da qui

…Writer-director Hassan Yektapanah is a disciple of Abbas Kiarostami, whom he acknowledges "taught me how to look at the world and think". The great film-maker's influence is apparent in the naturalism of debutant Yektapanah's direction and in the performances he elicits from his cast, although Djomeh is also free of the self-reflexivity that characterises much of Kiarostami's work, such as And Life Goes On and Close-Up. But for the absence of an establishing voice-over or suchlike, one could almost believe that Djomeh was a documentary.

A modest, unpretentious film whose heartfelt humanism shines through, Djomeh heralds the arrival of another major talent in contemporary Iranian cinema (arguably, director for director and film for film, the best there is at the moment) and reminds us of how an unadorned, universalist tale of human relationships can often be the most satisfying.

da qui

…The film is delicately paced and founded on deft characterisation with affecting performances from the largely non-professional cast - the grizzled, world weary Behraznia stands out. A melancholic mediation on the constant and often elusive yearning for companionship and love, it also speaks volumes about the barbarity of cultural and religious intolerance. Another Iranian cinematic success.

da qui

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