sabato 18 dicembre 2021

Idiots and Angels - Bill Plympton

un uomo da niente a cui spuntano le ali, ma lui non vuole essere un angelo.

intorno c'è molto squallore, solo una luce, una stella nel buio, la moglie del barista del bar dove l'uomo da niente passa il tempo.

è "solo" la storia di un angelo riluttante, ed è bellissima.

buona (imperdibile) visione - Ismaele 




QUI il film completo



What's this, Plympton growing a conscience from his animating fingers like some Plymptonesque grotesquerie? A jerk of a man who is constantly angry at alarm clocks, birds, drivers and barmaids, starts growing angelic wings thanks to a caterpillar, and the wings force him to perform good deeds and face his lack of humanity. He is also haunted by hallucinations, and constantly attempts to get rid of the wings in gory ways. A barman and doctor, however, develop other evil plans when they see the wings. Plympton's dialogue-free animation is fascinating to look at as always, with inventive segues, trademarked grotesque exaggerations and surreal imagery. It is also by far his darkest creation (relatively) and the closest he has ever come to serious art-house, and the movie is better for it. But he does not neglect his typical humor that involves politically-incorrect jabs, sex, gore and fun but immature flights of fancy and cartoonish behaviour. The result is a mixed bag: The gothic horror, surreal existential hallucinations, and art-house romanticism take getting used to if one expects another typical Plympton outing, but they are actually the strongest aspects of the movie. The simplistic story and lack of thematic depth is a minus. The animation is beautiful and masterful. The music soundtrack is superb and sometimes inspired. The first hour or so is captivating, but, like many of his movies, the last 20 minutes loses its way with cartoon-action and a silly violent plot development. In summary, this is flawed, but it grows on you to a certain extent and it is definitely amongst his best full-length works so far.

da qui


Des idiots et des anges est le film le plus intimiste, la plus introspectif, le plus resserré de Bill Plympton. Si son humour est toujours noir et grinçant, si les situations sont souvent délirantes et extrêmes, l'ensemble est dans un même temps plus mélancolique, poétique et romantique. Un reniement par rapport à ses débuts underground ? Plympton s'assagirait-il ? On aurait au contraire plutôt tendance à penser que le cinéaste s'est retrouvé, Des idiots et des anges rappelant son premier film, The Tune, qui était peut-être le plus proche de sa vraie personnalité. Comme s'il ne se sentait plus obligé d'aller toujours plus loin dans l'outrance et la folie pour s'assurer une place à part dans le paysage du cinéma d'animation, qu'il se livrait enfin complètement à son univers d'artiste et à sa vision douce-amère du monde.

da qui

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