mercoledì 14 luglio 2021

Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself – Lone Scherfig

Wilbur proprio non riesce a smettere di pensare al suicidio, ma quando il fratello che lo sopporta sa che deve morire di malattia allora Wilbur decide che tocca a lui portare avanti la vita del fratello.

il film della danese Lone Scherfig è ambientato a Glasgow, spesso in libreria, con attori (quasi tutti) inglesi bravissimo, in una storia disperata eppure viva (e non strappalacrime, per fortuna).

un bel film, buona visione - Ismaele


The filmmaker, Lone Scherfig, is a Danish woman whose first film, "Italian For Beginners," was a Dogma comedy. That she was able to make a Dogma comedy tells you a great deal about her. Here she does away with the Dogma rules and makes a movie in the tradition of the Ealing comedies produced in England in the 1950s and early 1960s: Modest slices of life about people who are very peculiar and yet lovable, and who do things we approve of in ways that appall us. The title may put you off, but don't let it. Here is a movie that appeals to the heart while not insulting the mind or forgetting how delightful its characters are.

da qui


...This is one of the most astonishing cinematic journeys I have ever participated in. Staring out as a dark, off-beat and slightly satirical comedy, this has an unbelievably smooth descent into absolute tear-jerker drama. The gradient is so even that it is barely noticeable how the tone of the film changes until you find yourself smack in the middle of a harrowing family tragedy. Very impressive writing!...

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