domenica 25 agosto 2013

Benvenuti a Sarajevo - Michael Winterbottom

non sarà un film perfetto, ma era appena finito l'assedio di Sarajevo, e Michael Winterbottom aveva l'urgenza di raccontare quella pagina terribile.
nella storia si alternano finzione e realtà, non sempre perfettamente, ma in modo necessario.
film bello e doloroso - Ismaele

…Il regista di Blackburn non si mette mai a dire esplicitamente i serbi hanno ragione, i bosniaci hanno ragione o l'ONU ha fatto la cosa giusta o la cosa sbagliata (sebbene qualche frecciatina all'ignavia occidentale c'è), ma si limita a mettere in evidenza quello che oggettivamente c'è da dire, e cioè che bombardare i civili per le strade è una fottuta follia. Che bombardare un orfanotrofio pieno di bambini è una fottuta follia. Che negare l'evacuazione di una città costantemente sotto il fuoco, giorno e notte, per quattro anni, è una fottuta follia. Che imprigionare uomini, donne, anziani e bambini in campi di concentramento solo perché appartengono a un'etnia o a una religione diversa è una fottuta follia.
E' questa la fottuta follia che Winterbottom descrive. La fottuta follia della guerra.

Films like this, of course, lament for the children--for helpless orphans and altar boys gunned down by partisan and sectarian snipers. But the snipers were altar boys only a few years ago, and altar boys grew up to become snipers. The film decries "violence" but doesn't name names: Much of the evil that has descended on this part of the world is caused by tribalism and religious fanaticism (when one group kills another in the name of their God, that is fanaticism).
So often there is a style of reporting events like the Bosnian tragedy in which words like "partisans" are used instead of ``religious fanatics,'' because although a man might kill others for worshipping the wrong God, of course we must not offend his religion. "Welcome to Sarajevo" tiptoes around that awkwardness with easy pieties, in which an orphan is spared, a man is a hero, cynicism masks bravery--and the underlying issues are not addressed. A better and braver film about this part of the world is Milcho Manchevsky's "Before the Rain" (1995), which shows clearly how the circle of killing goes around and around, fueled by the mindless passion that my God, my language, my ancestors give me the right to kill you.

…There are fine performances, particularly Stephen Dillane as Henderson. He's understated, using only eyes that have been wounded by seeing too much bloodshed. Woody Harrelson, whose part is much smaller than his star billing, is perfect as the stereotypical Amercian gonzo reporter. And there are unexpected, quiet moments that crystallize the desperation of life under siege. As when, six friends share three eggs with a reverence and awe that make it a sacrament.
As the people of Sarjevo are slaughtered by each other, "Welcome to Sarajevo" intercuts shots of real politicians like Bush and Major, mouthing platitudes. You just wanna smack 'em. And maybe weep for humanity.

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