domenica 27 gennaio 2013

Nefes: Vatan sagolsun (The Breath) - Levent Semerci

nella prima parte c’è qualcosa di “Full metal jacket” di Kubrick e del “Deserto dei tartari” di Zurlini, un clima di attesa, la vita di tutti i giorni, nostalgia di casa, in una piccola caserma di montagna ai confini dell’Iraq, alla fine esplode la battaglia.
è un’opera prima, il regista è bravo, bravi gli attori, un bel po’ di retorica turca, alla fine troppa.
però è un film che merita molto - Ismaele

QUI il film completo

…But even so, just as I got bored and wondering "would I see some hardcore bloody boom bang?!" Whow, the ending scenes are stunning. Not like what I've imagined, the war scene is fast, brutal, and furious. But probably what makes it more intense is the camerawork and the great sound effects complete with all the explosions. And if you get to see this movie with good English Subtitle, then you would feel emotionally attached to the soldiers. Why? Because the movie indeed spends a good amount of time giving us the view of their everyday life, their emotions, and even their relationship with people back home. You would find that they are basically just ordinary young men fighting for their mother land. 
All things considered, Nefes: Vatan Sagolsun is a movie worth watching as long as you don't expect for Hollywood stuff...

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