solo vedendolo ci si può fare un'idea, buona visione - Ismaele
…The acting in "The Life of David Gale" is splendidly done but serves a
meretricious cause. The direction is by the British director Alan Parker, who at one point had never made a
movie I wholly disapproved of. Now has he ever. The secrets of the plot must
remain unrevealed by me, so that you can be offended by them yourself, but let
it be said this movie is about as corrupt, intellectually bankrupt and morally
dishonest as it could possibly be without David Gale actually hiring himself
out as a joker at the court of Saddam Hussein.
I am sure the filmmakers believe their film is against the death penalty. I believe it supports it and hopes to discredit the opponents of the penalty as unprincipled fraudsters. What I do not understand is the final revelation on the videotape. Surely David Gale knows that Bitsey Bloom cannot keep it private without violating the ethics of journalism and sacrificing the biggest story of her career. So it serves no functional purpose except to give a cheap thrill to the audience slackjaws. It is shameful...
I am sure the filmmakers believe their film is against the death penalty. I believe it supports it and hopes to discredit the opponents of the penalty as unprincipled fraudsters. What I do not understand is the final revelation on the videotape. Surely David Gale knows that Bitsey Bloom cannot keep it private without violating the ethics of journalism and sacrificing the biggest story of her career. So it serves no functional purpose except to give a cheap thrill to the audience slackjaws. It is shameful...
…Avec une journaliste au
départ non convaincue de l'innocence de David Gale et qui devient peu à peu la
clé de la vie d'un Kevin Spacey dans le couloir de la mort, le film flirte avec
la propagande contre les " injustices ", et n'est finalement qu'un
film dramatique de plus sur les américains et leur système judiciaire quelque
peu défaillant. Un petit regret toutefois pour les 5 minutes en trop, qui,
évitées, auraient laissé au spectateur une fin plus ouverte…
…el principal problema de La vida de David Gale no es tanto de forma como de
fondo. Los conflictos que plantea la película carecen de interés, los
argumentos en torno a la pena de muerte son ridículamente superficiales y las
motivaciones de los personajes se pierden entre los vericuetos de la trama. Y
al final, lo que se presumía un gran alegato contra la pena capital queda
eclipsado por un desenlace tonto y efectista, en el que se trivializa una
realidad que cuesta la vida a cientos de personas cada año en Estados Unidos, a
menudo con pruebas insuficientes y en juicios en los que no se cumplen las
mínimas garantías procesales. Y por este camino, la película de Alan Parker
deja de ser sólo mediocre para convertirse en sencillamente inmoral.
…Kevin Spacey è bravo
come al solito (specialmente quando si lascia andare alla disperazione), Kate
Winslet funziona nel ruolo della giornalista, mentre Laura Linney nei panni
dell’idealista e sofferente Constance è decisamente convincente. Ma quando una
storia è debole, gli attori più di tanto non riescono a fare. Di punti deboli
ce ne sono tanti, e quello più evidente è probabilmente la frenesia con la
quale la giornalista capisce come stanno le cose. Un po’ più di incertezza e di
smarrimento avrebbe reso più coinvolgente la fase finale del film. Però,
purtroppo, non è così.
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