martedì 17 giugno 2014

Lalka - Wojciech Has

Wojciech Has è un regista grandissimo, e sconosciuto.
non ha fatto film facili, di quelli che si possono vedere mangiando il popcorn.
ha fatto film dell' altro tipo, di quelli che restano nella storia del cinema.
qui c'è la storia di un affarista che si perde dietro una ragazza della vecchia aristocrazia in decadenza.
ogni immagine è un quadro, basterebbe solo questo per guardarlo, e in più c'è tutto il resto.
davvero una bella visione, ma non per tutti, è un film d'altri tempi - Ismaele

qui e qui due grandissimi film di Wojciech Has.

Wojciech Has is probably one of the most mesmerizing directors ever. He's one of these rare directors who manage to make the viewers forget their accounts just by depicting the most beautiful scenes.
Unfortunately he has grown out of fashion and has sadly been forgotten by everyone. Unfair. And yet, his films are among the wealthiest filmic pieces of art. They are built with words and pictures. They are a literary works with words borrowed from the books the Polish director adapted. They are obviously visual with loaded and ornate shots full of incredible details which are reminiscent of gothic art and surrealism.

The Doll is more linear and more accessible than most of Has's movies, but it's in no way a betrayal of what he has done before. Has manages to make this conventional piece of literature a film coherent to his work as he included his dearest themes among which the theme of travel, spiritual and of course physical travels and the morbid theme of decay here through the slow agony of the aristocracy.

Sumptuously, beautifully, formally it depicts a people trapped and betrayed by themselves. Wokulski, who fought in a rebellion against the Russian occupiers and went to Siberia for it, made his fortune supplying the Russian army fighting Turkey. The film shows his abilities- his business acumen, his skill in finding potential profit, his deep friendships, his generosity and freedom from prejudice- but all are made vain by his obsessive love of Izabella, the selfish and snobbish daughter of a stupid and bankrupt aristocrat. Wokulski realises the stupidity of his obsession at the end- Izabella might even realise her own contemptibility- but his madness and what he abandons for it probably destroys him…

Multipliant les travellings latéraux qui enferment les personnages dans des décors extravagants et baroques, le réalisateur signe un nombre incalculable de natures mortes où même les aristocrates ressemblent à des automates dans un musée de cire. Par de subtils glissements progressifs, Has nous invite dans une sorte d’entre-deux-mondes, réaliste par bien des aspects, mais sublimé par une esthétique fantastique qui invite à la rêverie poétique. Chaque plan deLa poupée devient alors un tableau de maître d’une richesse visuelle jamais gratuite. Il faudrait donc rendre hommage au travail formidable effectué par toute l’équipe technique, des éclairagistes au directeur de la photographe en passant par les costumiers et les décorateurs qui se sont totalement mis au service d’un artiste visionnaire. Peu de cinéastes peuvent se vanter d’avoir tourné dans leur vie une œuvre aussi puissante sur le plan visuel, mais également profonde sur le plan thématique. Sans doute unique œuvre purement politique de son auteur, La poupée est de ces films qui provoquent chez le spectateur un choc esthétique violent. Comme la certitude d’être devant l’un des plus beaux films de l’histoire du cinéma. Rien de moins.

2 commenti:

  1. Di Has, regista interessantissimo, finora ho visto "La Clessidra", mentre "Il manoscritto trovato a Saragozza" c'è l'ho da tempo in archivio. Mi sono segnato anche questo, grazie!

    P.S. "non ha fatto film facili, di quelli che si possono vedere mangiando il popcorn.
    ha fatto film dell' altro tipo, di quelli che restano nella storia del cinema"... Troppo forte, Ismaele :D

  2. "Il manoscritto trovato a Saragozza" mi aspetta.

    c'è tanto cinema buono e ottimo anche nell'altro secolo e quando non c'era il colore.
    bisogna mettersi gli occhiali giusti, ogni tanto, e guardare anche i vecchi grandi film, l'estate è perfetta per questo.

    qui un ottico bravissimo (
