non ce n'è uno che chiuda la porta, in questa storia.
se guardi questo film con gli occhi del saggio, sarai tu lo strano, se provi a immedesimarti ti piacerà.
un po' Dany Boon, un po' Alex de la Iglesia, un po' Jeunet e Caro, mischia quanto basta, ecco Albert Dupontel.
se ti fai prendere ti diverti anche, vedendo questo film , se no è dura - Ismaele
Humour noir trash et
déjanté, Dupontel réalise un film qui sent bon la poudre et l'absence de
retenue. Imposant à son oeuvre un rythme de tous les instants, il parvient à
matriser un récit féroce, caustique et tendre. Pour
psychopathes avertis seulement…
…N’oubliant pas de faire
naître des scènes d’émotions avec un talent d’acteur comme il y a peu, Albert
Dupontel parvient à nous rendre le personnage de Bernie sympathique aux travers
de son errance, de sa violence, de son rapport aux autres. Entourés d’acolytes
autant paumés que lui, il parvient à délivrer une critique sociale acerbe
ponctuée de scènes d’anthologies morbides et trash. Un film unique, libertaire
dans son absence de contrainte et qui au final donne un sentiment de liberté
mêlé d’incrédulité jubilatoire.
French madness in the form of a black comedy. Bernie
is an 'orphan' who decides to leave his orphanage where he has worked all his
life, and seach for his parents. Trouble is, he is also a paranoid and
violent-prone idiot several levels removed from reality. Amongst the things he
discovers is that he was thrown into a garbage can as a baby through a garbage
chute, but this is obviously the fault of 'them' and not his loving parents.
His father turns out to be a psychotic sodomizer bum, and his mom has succeeded
in building a respectable life, or has she? He also encounters a drug-addict,
money-loving bitch whom he pays to be his girlfriend, and her sleazy
wheelchair-ridden father. Sparks fly, madness and violence goes rampant, and
the movie is full of one shocking, blackly comic and colorful surprise after
another. A bit too full of wackos for my taste, but undeniably entertaining if
you don't mind trashy over-the-top madness. Compared sometimes to Pulp Fiction
for ambiguous reasons but this doesn't have that movie's sense of reality nor
its inventive structure. This is more like a nasty cartoon. Some of Dupontel's
subsequent comedies are similar but less nasty and insane.
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