venerdì 12 settembre 2014

Breaking the Code - Herbert Wise

il film è stato girato nel 1996 per la tv inglese.
la storia è quella di Alan Turing, morto a soli 42 anni, nel 1954 (qui una piccola biografia)
ad interpretare Turing è Derek Jacobi, davvero un grandissimo attore.
appare anche Harold Pinter, in una piccola parte..
il film affronta la vita di Alan dal punto di vista umano e affettivo, in un’Inghilterra da inquisizione, in cui la moralità uccide.
cercatelo, davvero ottimo cinema - Ismaele

QUI il film completo sottotitolato in spagnolo

…It is frequently very funny, always compassionate and provides real insight into the dilemmas and problems homosexuality in a genius presents, not just to Turing but to his family, his professional colleagues, and not least The State's preoccupation with National Security - in the shape of one John Smith (Harold Pinter), the mysterious 'Man from the Ministry'…

Avec Derek Jacobi et le lauréat du prix Nobel de dramaturgie, Harold Pinter. Réalisé par Herbert Wise, le film est basé sur une pièce de théâtre 1986 par Hugh Whitemore. (1996)
« Breaking the code » est une biographie de l’mathématicien anglais Alan Turing, qui fut l’un des inventeurs de l’ordinateur numérique et l’une des figures clés de la rupture du code Enigma, utilisé par les Allemands d’envoyer des ordres secrets à leurs sous-marins dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale . Turing était également un homosexuel en Grande-Bretagne à une époque où c’était illégal, en plus d’être un risque de sécurité.

Apart from the intrinsic interest of the subject, `Breaking the Code' is illuminated by a superb performance from Derek Jacobi (with a hint of his 'I Claudius' stammer) who brilliantly conveys not only Turing's fierce intelligence but also his enthusiasm for his discipline and his need to pass on this passion to his colleagues…

I'm not interested in mathematics. Or the history of the computer. Or indeed, homosexual politics. But I am concerned with the talents, vicissitudes, suffering, blossoming, and achievements of human beings. And this is a tale full of humanity - and drama, as that humanity, and the talents and nature of Alan Turing are beaten down. The assault and damnation of his sexual orientation amount to a pervasive crime. It's about as dramatic a dynamic as you can find. And at the centre of it all: Derek Jacobi's remarkable performance. Forget I Claudius and Hamlet, this is his finest hour. Characteristically, he effortlessly takes us into the heart of Turing and allows us to feel his cleverness and his pain. His tender, acutely-observed performance induces us to rage, rage against the moon as this heroic character is beleaguered by the mores of the era, and in doing so, the deft Jacobi has somehow made the example of Turing one to benefit, push and shame mankind, as well as to inspire it to greater aspirations. A magnificent story, a magnificent, classic production, and an insurmountable performance at its heart.

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