martedì 2 marzo 2021

Eggshells - Tobe Hooper

recuperato per miracolo dall'oblio, l'opera prima di Tobe Hooper è di nuovo disponibile.

grande debutto, totalmente diverso dai film che lo renderanno famoso, ambientato negli anni della guerra del Vietnam e delle grandi manifestazioni pacifiste, un gruppo di ragazzi e ragazze vanno in una casa nel bosco, con una macchina da hippies.

poi lì succede qualcosa, si prende qualche pastiglia di lsd, forse, c'è qualcosa nell'aria, la macchina da presa fa miracoli, c'è un matrimonio, e succedono tante cose.

film che merita, Tobe Hooper da giovane era già bravissimo e originale.

buona visione - Ismaele



QUI il film completo, in inglese



Si Eggshells reste suffisamment narratif, il accumule les séquences expérimentales (qu’elles soient sonores ou visuelles) à l’image d’une scène, reposant intégralement sur le montage, où un personnage se bat à l’épée avec son double (le film ne cache pas son aspect paranormal). Aussi libre que le groupe de jeunes adultes qu’il colle au plus près, en multipliant les gros plans, Eggshells se conclut pourtant sur un mariage. Comme si l’auteur voulait souligner par cette union la fin d’un temps. La coquille -eggshell en anglais- dans laquelle semble vouloir s’enfermer les personnages ne se renforcerait pas mais finirait alors par se briser. Les autres personnages (des fantômes ?) préfèreront d’ailleurs s’évaporer dans leur drôle de machine pour partir dans un monde meilleur, accentuant un peu plus le crépuscule d’une jeunesse insoumise, marquée par le mouvement hippie. Cinq ans plus tard, Tobe Hooper enfoncera le clou en les massacrant violemment.

da qui


Many would be surprised to find out that one of the most uniquely bizarre and experimental counter-culture movies was directed by non other than Tobe Hooper. Turns out that the slight touches of experimental sound and cinematography in his two Texas Chainsaw movies represented only the tip of his surreal potential. This debut demonstrates it in full force, and one has to wonder where it went after his TCM output. It's a rambling, psychedelic, symbolic, highly experimental movie that is part Warhol, part Godard, part psychedelia, part low-budget sci-fi/horror weirdness. A commune of young hippies live in a house that has been invaded by a strange electric entity in the basement. In between random inanely babbling conversations and activities that only stoned hippies can have, there are symbolic scenes of a paper plane exploding into napalm, a wall that paints itself, a young man that encounters the mysterious entity in the basement that promptly has him sword-fighting himself, a very psychedelic sex scene, a colorful balloon forest as a symbol of sexual seduction, sci-fi hair-driers that transmogrifies people into smoke and extracts the gunk, and so on. There's also one guy that attempts to free himself by blowing up his car along with all his clothes, a hippy-Jewish wedding, discussion of hauntings, and lots of free love. Perhaps an LSD-inspired portrait of the 60s, a symbol of the various delicate aspects of man, or just a bunch of fascinating nonsense.

da qui

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